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How to Get More Value Out of CMMC Managed Services

There are many ways to achieve CMMC compliance, from fully insourced IT, cybersecurity and governance to fully outsourced managed services, each carrying various costs and risks. While the cost of compliance is a valid concern, there’s one constant across all your options: If you don’t meet CMMC standards, you won’t be eligible for DOD contracts. Period.

You might think managing CMMC compliance on your own will save you money, but the process is complex and expensive. Purchasing multiple software solutions and hiring an internal security team and IT team to monitor and manage those solutions, not to mention documenting and providing proof of compliance, all require resources that many small and medium sized businesses don’t have. And any mistakes can lead to a breach or non-compliance with CMMC and have much more significant costs and consequences.

CMMC managed services, on the other hand, offer assured compliance with less effort and less investment. Partial compliance doesn’t count and many managed services push small businesses to over spend and under comply.

The only real comprehensive solution is CyberSheath’s no-nonsense fixed pricing for CMMC managed services. We deliver more value and pricing models that are easy to understand and implement, with no hidden costs. We want to make it as simple as possible for you to achieve CMMC compliance and win DOD contracts. We can deliver the complete solution or just the pieces that you are missing.

And we have pricing that meets you exactly where you are right now.


A Basic, Advanced and Future-Proof Approach to Compliance

No matter where you are in your journey, whether you want to do it yourself or fully invest in managed services, there’s a model for you.

CyberSheath’s basic, advanced and future-proof pricing model offers the tailored level of service you need and a pathway to transition to fully managed compliance if you choose. Here’s what each level of service entails:

Basic: If you are not yet ready to jump fully into CMMC and want to start with an assessment and Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS) scoring, this is the level for you. It includes everything necessary for SPRS submission including your System Security Plan (SSP) and Plan of Action & Milestones (POAMs).

Enhanced: At this level, you’re looking to outsource the problem of CMMC Maturity Level 1 compliance and achieve a positive score for SPRS submissions. While you retain overall IT management, CyberSheath handles compliance management and governance, management of technical security tools and operations, or both.

You get compliance oversight and reporting through our cloud-based dashboard, and quickly gain the ability to bid on CMMC ML1 contracts.

Future-Proof: If you want full compliance across the board, this is the level for you. With this option, you achieve all 110 controls and requirements for SPRS submission — and CMMC ML3 compliance delivering all of the required people, processes and technology in a unique shared responsibility model.

CyberSheath maintains the rigorous program, technology, engineering, and implementation required for CMMC ML3 standards. We manage your governance, security, and IT operations.


The Value of CMMC Managed Services

With a path to a fully managed CMMC program, you can lay the foundations for your compliance against any shocks to CMMC policy or implementation approaches. We’ll be responsible for ongoing program maintenance encompassing any shifts, allowing you to continue to leverage your current infrastructure and offer the option to grow into a FEDRAMP HIGH or GCC HIGH cloud infrastructure in a hosted, compliant process.

With simple fixed pricing, free options for self-attestation, and a flexible pricing model, CyberSheath meets you wherever you are and ensures you’re CMMC compliant and eligible for DOD contracts.

Contact us to meet with a CyberSheath expert today to learn how we can help bring order to the chaos of achieving CMMC compliance.

Join us for CMMC CON 2024 on Sept. 25, 2024, at 9am EST for a free, virtual, one-day conference focused on safeguarding against cyberthreats.
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