A speaker announcement for CMMC Con 2021

CMMC-AB vice chair Jeff Dalton to address CMMC Con 2021

The swiftness and severity of recent cyber attacks has dominated headlines and revealed that many organizations still don’t quite know what to do to protect themselves, as well as the businesses and government entities they’re connected to.


Ransomware attacks were a big point of discussion at the recent G7 summit and headlined the list of topics that President Biden discussed with Russian President Vladimir Putin at their summit in Geneva.


The U.S. and some of its tech giants are scrambling to find answers as to how to prevent further attacks and increase safeguards for data. As one facet of that plan to improve, the CMMC-AB has begun approving third-party assessment organizations to certify that defense contractors adhere to CMMC requirements.


Matthew Travis, who became CEO of the CMMC-AB in April, said to expect certified assessor training in mid-to-late summer. The CMMC-AB has also recently added a vice president of training and development, a director of operations, a curricula manager, and operations specialist. The board is recruiting to fill more roles as it moves closer to its goal of a full launch for assessor training.


Jeff Dalton, the vice chairman of the CMMC-AB and head of the accreditation process, will be among the speakers at CyberSheath’s CMMC Con 2021 and will give attendees an inside look at the progression of CMMC and the path forward.


Register for CMMC Con 2021 now to see Dalton’s address and learn more about how to navigate the rapidly shifting future of cybersecurity compliance.

Join us for a LIVE webinar, Navigating the Path to CMMC Compliance: A Buyer’s Guide, on March 25, 2025, at 12PM EST.
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